Prophetic Words
Prophetic Word for Australia: John Makan
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The prophetic in Australia is going to expand - the gifting is growing in maturity, power & the awareness of the seriousness of the responsibility to shoulder the gift.
The weight of the prophetic mantle is increasing on Australia - there is coming a rejection of the immature, false & foolish. That which has been incorrectly perceived as good and true, but is not, will be exposed and not accepted and embraced.
Australia is going to become increasingly aware of their significance and responsibility as a prophetic nation among the nations.
The prophetic gift is increasing with strength and will be evident with more substance, will be treated with more sobriety and will have a keen sharpness and accuracy, it will be more specific and hit the mark more often.
Get ready Australia, my prophetic grace is coming upon you, soon I will call upon you to prophesy with power to the nations.
The flame of my gift is upon your tongue - you will speak My word & I will declare and confirm what I say.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The prophetic in Australia is going to expand - the gifting is growing in maturity, power & the awareness of the seriousness of the responsibility to shoulder the gift.
The weight of the prophetic mantle is increasing on Australia - there is coming a rejection of the immature, false & foolish. That which has been incorrectly perceived as good and true, but is not, will be exposed and not accepted and embraced.
Australia is going to become increasingly aware of their significance and responsibility as a prophetic nation among the nations.
The prophetic gift is increasing with strength and will be evident with more substance, will be treated with more sobriety and will have a keen sharpness and accuracy, it will be more specific and hit the mark more often.
Get ready Australia, my prophetic grace is coming upon you, soon I will call upon you to prophesy with power to the nations.
The flame of my gift is upon your tongue - you will speak My word & I will declare and confirm what I say.
Prophetic Word for Australia: John Makan
Friday, October 3, 2014
I heard that the Lord was going to send fires of revival, His glory and presence in this great nation of Australia and that it would bring zeal, holiness and righteousness.
I saw that He would move on the indigenous people and bring them out of their hiding places into a place of His great light and glory.
I saw that He would touch 7 indigenous leaders and give them an epiphany, an encounter with Him that would propel them into knowing Him and they would speak of the fire of God released to their people.
I saw even in the places of government God was going to work, as it were underground and unnoticed and then His presence would be known as even those in leadership began to manifest the righteousness He desires this nation to have.
I saw all across this land and in this region of Perth and Western Australia, that the Lord as going to move with his passionate fire and cause many to come to Him, to be passionate worshippers and those who would be Marys in Australia.
The Lord is going to move and have His fire uncover and expose the hidden things and hidden dangers in Australia for her blessing and protection.
I saw a wall around the borders of Australia and that the Lord was going to keep those who would bring destruction away from Australia, and for those who dared and try the Lord would cause them to be found out and apprehended.
I saw that the Lord was going to move upon the police, special forces and secret service to give them insight and revelation of where the danger was and be ready to move in and stop the enemy's plans.
I saw that the fire of His power and presence would be released from Australia and even into other Asian nations and that many would come to receive and experience the glory of his fire in this nation.
There have been those who in times past have seen, and declared what God is going to do in this great nation, and He is getting ready to fulfill what has been prophesied even from generations past.
Their words and their prayers will not fall to the ground, the heart of God is after this nation, and while there have been those who speak this way and that, the Lord is about to release His fire and cause this nation to experience the Glory that He has for her.
The Lord is going to cause the hidden ones to rise up. The Lord says, there have been, and there are, the humble ones who have callouses on their knees and holes in their jeans from humbling themselves and praying and praying for this nation, those who the world does not think of very much, those who seem to be poor but are rich in their love for the Lord.
These are the ones that even christians, and christian leaders did not consider very highly that God would use them for the great revival.
But I heard the Lord say, did I not start fire of revivals in other nations with only a few?
The Lord says I am looking for those who would humble themselves, and I will move on their behalf.
Prophetic Word: John Makan
Friday, October 2, 2014
I saw that the blood of the martyrs is about to reach a boiling point. That the anger and the wrath of the Lord was about to be released as the blood of the martyrs has been crying out and that a great revival is going to start around the world, a great fire of His presence because the boiling point is about to break out.
Friday, October 3, 2014
I heard that the Lord was going to send fires of revival, His glory and presence in this great nation of Australia and that it would bring zeal, holiness and righteousness.
I saw that He would move on the indigenous people and bring them out of their hiding places into a place of His great light and glory.
I saw that He would touch 7 indigenous leaders and give them an epiphany, an encounter with Him that would propel them into knowing Him and they would speak of the fire of God released to their people.
I saw even in the places of government God was going to work, as it were underground and unnoticed and then His presence would be known as even those in leadership began to manifest the righteousness He desires this nation to have.
I saw all across this land and in this region of Perth and Western Australia, that the Lord as going to move with his passionate fire and cause many to come to Him, to be passionate worshippers and those who would be Marys in Australia.
The Lord is going to move and have His fire uncover and expose the hidden things and hidden dangers in Australia for her blessing and protection.
I saw a wall around the borders of Australia and that the Lord was going to keep those who would bring destruction away from Australia, and for those who dared and try the Lord would cause them to be found out and apprehended.
I saw that the Lord was going to move upon the police, special forces and secret service to give them insight and revelation of where the danger was and be ready to move in and stop the enemy's plans.
I saw that the fire of His power and presence would be released from Australia and even into other Asian nations and that many would come to receive and experience the glory of his fire in this nation.
There have been those who in times past have seen, and declared what God is going to do in this great nation, and He is getting ready to fulfill what has been prophesied even from generations past.
Their words and their prayers will not fall to the ground, the heart of God is after this nation, and while there have been those who speak this way and that, the Lord is about to release His fire and cause this nation to experience the Glory that He has for her.
The Lord is going to cause the hidden ones to rise up. The Lord says, there have been, and there are, the humble ones who have callouses on their knees and holes in their jeans from humbling themselves and praying and praying for this nation, those who the world does not think of very much, those who seem to be poor but are rich in their love for the Lord.
These are the ones that even christians, and christian leaders did not consider very highly that God would use them for the great revival.
But I heard the Lord say, did I not start fire of revivals in other nations with only a few?
The Lord says I am looking for those who would humble themselves, and I will move on their behalf.
Prophetic Word: John Makan
Friday, October 2, 2014
I saw that the blood of the martyrs is about to reach a boiling point. That the anger and the wrath of the Lord was about to be released as the blood of the martyrs has been crying out and that a great revival is going to start around the world, a great fire of His presence because the boiling point is about to break out.